- male, black
- born Jan 2017
- Greek shepherd dog mix
- vaccinated and chipped
- no internationally valid passport
- neutered
- healthy
- about 20 kilo
We first heard about Benno at the beginning of June 2024. We received a report that a large, black dog was wandering through the villages, desperately looking for a connection. Wherever he found water and a little food, he wanted to settle down, but everywhere he went he was chased away again. Benno was like a phantom to us, we knew of his existence but never got to see him. Finally, at the beginning of August, exhausted and severely emaciated, he hid in a garden, whose owner immediately asked us for help.
Benno has been in our care ever since. We assume that Benno is probably 7 – 8 years old and used to live with people. He was certainly not born as a stray. Benno is very trusting and has obviously not had any bad experiences with humans. He also has unusually good teeth, which speaks in favour of a balanced diet, which a stray doesn’t usually get. Benno is incredibly sweet and absolutely good-natured. He lets everything happen to him and never growls, not even in situations that obviously make him uncomfortable, such as getting into a car.
Benno is peaceful and gets on very well with other dogs, only with young, unneutered males does he behave a little strangely. Even then he is not aggressive, just a little harassing.
His great passion is cats! He chases them! When he sees a cat, he runs off and forgets everything else around him. However, we couldn’t and didn’t want to test what he would do to the cats if he caught one.
Benno is a big, strong dog, a little boisterous but gentle and loving. He loves people and enjoys every cuddle. Absolutely suitable as a family dog with an active family as he loves children in particular.