If I adopt a dog or cat, what do I need to do regularly to keep the animal healthy?
If the dog or cat is healthy when you get it (and if the animal comes from our care, a vet has examined it and can confirm that it is healthy), then you must follow these rules: once a month, the animal gets a vial of a “spot-on” preparation, for example Vectra 3D, dripped onto the skin in the neck area. This will protect your new family member from fleas, ticks, the sand fly that spreads the disease Leishmaniasis, and other harmful insects. This treatment really needs to be done reliably once a month, at least in the warm season. Alternatively, the vet has a collar, such as “Scalibor”, which gives the same protection for six months as the monthly spot-on. However, if your dog plays a lot and is lively with other dogs, the collar can sometimes get lost, which is why the “spot-on” offers better protection.
Your dog or cat should also be dewormed once every three months. This is done with a tablet. You should always alternate which tablet you give so that many different worms, including the particularly dangerous heartworm, are combated.
Finally, once a year your pet needs to be vaccinated. This is a very small effort to keep your pet healthy. It is best to vaccinate your four-legged friend against rabies every year as well, then you are on the safe side. All vaccinations and treatments are entered in the International Pet Passport, then you can always easily check when the next visit to the vet is due.
Further questions and answers will be added on an ongoing basis.